Thursday, February 14, 2019

Why Are We Going to the Border?

Dear Friends,
One of the many reasons that we are going on this trip is to speak out and prevent in some small way the separation of families. The Trump administration is not only separating families at the border, but they are also tearing fathers and mothers away from their children in the heart of our country. In our own small way we are attempting to bear witness to the travesty of family separation.

One of the wonderful coordinators for the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity is Lourdes Barraza. Her husband, Fernando, was in detention for several months and was finally released, but now there is a risk that ICE will detain and/or even deport him very soon. This is devastating for Fernando and his family. Fernando and his many supporters and community members will attend an ICE hearing next week. His fate is uncertain and we will not learn the outcome of that hearing until we return from our trip to the border.

Lourdes tells their story below and I think it appropriate that we carry Fernando and his family in our hearts as we make this journey to the border to better understand the injustices that have become US immigration policy. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers and, if you can, join them in SF as they go in for their hearing.

With prayers for justice and a joyful resolution,

Sadly, last week our attorney contacted us to let us know that the Board of Immigration Appeals had reversed the Judge’s decision in my husband Fernando’s case. What this means is that as of right now, his protection against deportation has been revoked and ICE has the “right” to re-detain him at any time. This hit our family extremely hard because just when we thought that we could be heading towards some sense of normalcy, this cruel system continues trying to destroy families like ours.
Fernando and Lourdes Barraza Family

Since Fernando has been home, we have struggled tremendously to get our lives back on track, both mentally and financially because we had the appeal lingering over our heads. Now that we know the decision, we are scared, yet hopeful that with your support, prayers, and love, we will win this, once and for all. 

With that being said, I personally invite you to come out and support us next week at a hearing that is scheduled for Fernando. On Wednesday, February 20th at 9:00am, Fernando has to appear in court at 630 Sansome St., SF. An ideal outcome for this hearing, would be that another hearing is scheduled so that our attorney has the opportunity to present new evidence to support Fernando’s case. However, in current times, there is a high risk that ICE could try and detain him until the appeal case is finalized. 

Time and time again, I have shared opportunities of accompaniment for others because we know that your support makes a difference. Today, I ask that you join us in showing this system that we will not give up and that we will fight until our family can live in peace and without fear, as we deserve to live. Please come and support our family as we continue to fight to stay together, we need it now more than ever. 


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